A.A. Laporte Payne letter to Muriel 18 August 1917

A.A. Laporte Payne letter to Muriel 18 August 1917



August 18 1917


My own dearest,


Is the weather any better for your holiday now? I do hope so.  It is much better here and it is drying up quite nicely.  We shall be able to get on with the war soon.  Thank you very much, dear, for your letter which has just arrived.  So you return on the 24th.  I am afraid I shall not be able to get away so soon as that.  No officers are on leave at present except those who are sick and everybody wants to go now.  Battery Commanders will go first I expect.


How are you all keeping? Well and having a good rest I hope.  Give my love to Mr & Mrs Cross.  There is no news to tell you as usual.  Everything is very much the same.

I am losing my ‘stable companion’. He has to go up the line alas!  I hope I shall be going soon too.  It is rather dull down here at times although there is plenty to do.  The last two days have been a bit slacker.


I was to have gone on a joy ride with the Colonel yesterday in a car he had borrowed to a large town some way away but I could not get away in the end as some stupid thing turned up which had to be done. So I was done out of a frivol in the afternoon and a good dinner at night.  However I may be able to go some other time.


This evening I am expecting the major down to inspect the Wagon Line but he has not turned up yet. Things are not as ship-shape as they might be but what can you expect with less than half the number of men we ought to have.


It does seem a long time ago since I saw you last. I am just longing to see you again.  I hope you will be kind and treat me well.  Or are you going to keep me in order this time?


With all my love dearest & many kisses

Ever your


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