G Hammond’s letter 14 May 1916

Southern Army Bombing School


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My dear Gladys

Why this promptness in writing – I don’t think.  Well we are having a gorgeous time under canvass with the rain pouring down every night.  We have dug a trench round the tent with a sump at the back which is already full of water & the floor is 3” under water as well.  However we are quite merry and bright.  I was rather surprised to hear you were still in the choir but no doubt they could not expect to succeed without such a fair figurehead.  Bow wow.  I always thought you could sing myself.

Heard from the Golden Goose yesterday he still lays regularly but never more than one at a time, perhaps he is a little fed with all these new taxes.  I would have loved to come to the festival but I don’t quite get your “drift” – slang – about the lady.  I told a certain lady about the trials of matrimony and you are absolutely “for it” no doubt you would be highly delighted if you knew what you were in for.  Keep it dark – no on second thoughts I will lock it in the old oak chest.  Had a letter from Willie yesterday, he seems to be plodding along in the old way, still thinking out schemes for making the family rich suddenly.  Well Gladys it is up to you to pull this scholarship off.  You know how pleased we shall all be.  I only wish I had such glorious prospects.  I suppose Canada will be my only hope after this Great War – not likely – give me a pill machine  and a bit of mas and the world will soon know of Hammonds’ Pills I might find you a job as book keeper.  Not heard from Kempo for some time perhaps he pushed off by now.

Well dear, I am awfully busy with notes and diagrams so you must excuse more.  I have an exam myself on Friday, we had a bit of an oral one yesterday.  Is have be back in Colchester on Saturday so write there.  How’s Ma & Pa.  would love to be home for a week.

Fondest love to all  George


P.S. Will send a photo of the platoon when I get back.  Remind me!  G

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